Prolegomenon Publishing has put out their first publication!
Prolegomenon Publishing – The Cessation of Love
We are proud to announce that Prolegomenon Publishing has put out their first publication: The Cessation of Love.
The Cessation Of Love is the first published collection of poems from RAW. TCOL is, quite simply, poetry on love. It chronicles the different types of relationships had throughout the author’s young adulthood, and how the definition of love changes. Contrary to what the title would suggest, The Cessation Of Love doesn’t ever let love extinguish altogether; rather, portrays the ways in which love gets said, spent, and transformed.
This was written by Rachel Aston Warren. We consulted with them on their publishing strategy, and we are proud to see their work reach the light of day. If you would like to support the artist, you can purchase an autographed copy of the book from their SquareSpace store. These are hand-bound and will be shipped directly to you. If can also pick up a regular copy, (or on your Kindle) at Amazon.
Rachel Aston Warren
About the Author, from the author’s website:
Rachel Aston Warren was raised primarily in the midwest, in the college town of Urbana, Illinois. She has also lived in Chicago, Illinois; Halifax, Nova Scotia; and Albany, New York. Rachel currently resides in her birth state of Texas, with her cat Garcia in their quaint Austin flat.
The first memory Rachel has of writing was around the 4th grade, in her parchment notebook with a kami kitty on the cover, poems about her hair and how much she loved spaghetti. In high school she was published in the literary/art magazine (both for poetry and photography), and got “honorary mention” in an anthology published by a scholarship society*. Since then she has performed at a handful of open mics, but mostly stays in at her desk, writing and editing well into the night.
Rachel looks forward to sharing her poetry collections with you, and someday, a novel or two. If you live in Austin keep an out for a performance of Felt Like Forever at a theatre near you!
Prolegomenon Publishing© is an independent platform based in Austin, TX. It aims to give voice to local artists, and let art’s voice inspire global progression.
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