Discontinuing Furnarchy Development

Furnarchy Development

We have decided that we will be ending Furnarchy development. Our official support for the project will end April 1st, 2016. This will be the 7 year anniversary of when we started developing the software.

We have had a lot of fun developing Furnarchy for Furcadia. It is our hope that someone else will pick up this project. More information will be released later this year. This was an excellent first project for us. Although we made a number of mistakes, and hit a lot of snags, we learned so much by maintaining this project.

Thanks especially to the other developers that we got to work with over the years.


We took over Furnarchy Development on April 1st, 2009 after the primary developer, (Cluracan) had decided to end the project. Originally known as Duck Proxy before a player, (Mino) helped rename it. Cluracan published the first iteration in 2002, but switched the name (and back-end) to Furnarchy 3 in 2003. He completely skipped over Furnarchy 2, choosing to release that particular update in 2006.

Once we took over, we switched the name to just “Furnarchy”.